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Featured Momma-Jessica

I’m so happy to share a feature on my friend and sorority sister, Jessica. Jessica is a fellow educator and boy mom who provides her honest outlook on motherhood. Thank you, Jessica!

Name: Jessica

Age: 33

Children: Boy age 2

Occupation: Middle School Math Teacher

The most rewarding part about being a mom?

The most rewarding thing about being a mom is watching your child change, grow, and learn new skills

The most challenging part about being a mom?

The most challenging thing about being a mom is feeling like you aren’t doing your best/not doing enough for your child.

The best advice about motherhood you’ve received?

It’s to remember that everything lasts but a season. (sleepless nights, tantrums, etc.)

How do you practice self-care as a mom?

Working out, shopping, spending time with friends.

Must-have baby registry product?

Diaper backpack

Favorite quote about motherhood?

“The natural state of motherhood is unselfishness. When you become a mother, you are no longer the center of your own universe. You relinquish that position to your children.” -Jessica Lange

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