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Featured Momma-Rachell

I’m so thrilled to introduce, Rachell. Rachell is a fellow school psychologist who I had the pleasure of meeting in graduate school. She is the co-founder of ADHD Tools, a private practice aimed at supporting the needs of families with children with Attention Hyperactivity Deficit Disorder (ADHD), or related conditions by providing resources, assessment, consultation, and advocacy services. In her feature, she offers an honest and relatable portrayal of motherhood. Thank you, Rachell!



Name: Rachell

Age: 38

Child: Boy, age 7

Occupation: School Psychologist

Most rewarding thing about being a mom?

The most rewarding thing about being a mom is seeing my son being kind to others, watching him grow and learn new things, and seeing him form meaningful relationships with family members and peers.

Most challenging thing about being a mom?

The most challenging thing for me about being a mom is finding the balance in when to let go and allow him to make his owndecisions and mistakes, and when to hold his hand and guide him. As a parent, it can be hard to let your child try new and challenging things if it means that he/she might fail sometimes.

The best advice about motherhood you’ve received?

To follow my instincts and do what I feel it is the right thing to do for my child. Well-meaning friends and family will try to give you advice on how to raise and discipline your child, but itis okay to disregard their suggestions and trust your parenting instincts.

How do you practice self-care as a mom?

By spending time with my family, taking naps, working out with my husband, and setting healthy boundaries to avoid burnout.

Favorite quote about motherhood?

"Mothers hold their children's hands for a short while, but their hearts forever."- Unknown

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