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Featured Momma-Jennifer, Creator of Blessed Psych Momma

Writer's picture: Blessed Psych MommaBlessed Psych Momma

I featured myself a couple of years ago when I first started my blog. Since then, things have changed and I wanted to update some information as well as answer some new questions.

Name: Jennifer

Age: 34 soon to be 35 whoa!

Children: 3 beautiful boys (6, 2, and 7 months)

Occupation: School Psychologist but currently a Stay at Home Momma

What advice would you give to other mommas as it relates to your career?

As a School Psychologist, I would encourage other mommas to always trust their instincts when it comes to their children and advocate for their well being, especially in the school setting. One of the most important things I learned in graduate school was that although I would be performing assessments on someone else's child and collecting very detailed information, a child's parent knows them best. Trust your gut when something doesn't seem to be going right for your child (socially, emotionally, academically), and seek support.

What has surprised you the most about motherhood?

The most surprising part of motherhood for me is that being a Momma is 100 times harder than I imagined, and yet, it's also 100 times more wonderful and rewarding than I ever could have dreamed. It's a strange dichotomy, but I definitely think it's true.

The most rewarding part about being a mom?

I would say one of the most rewarding parts is watching my kids learn each day and develop as distinct individuals. I love witnessing them discover their own unique interests, talents, and abilities. It's fascinating to see what they're drawn to and I love supporting whatever endeavors they take on-whether it's learning to grow Monarch Butterflies or memorizing their ABCs. Even my 7 month old's personality is really shining through at this age and it's fun to talk to my husband about the traits we've seen in him. He adores his big brothers and he always wants to be right in the middle of all the action. He actually squeals in delight when he can pretend he's scaling a play structure by their sides.

The most challenging part about being a mom?

For me one of the most challenging parts of being a mom has been juggling the needs of three kids who are each at different developmental stages. I try to overlap play and interests as much as possible, but there's honestly so much of that I can do depending on what they need from me at that particular moment. A lot of times it's hard to attend to my 6 year old who may need help practicing his sight words, play a game with my 2 year old, and then also meet the needs of my infant to keep him happy and content.

The other part of motherhood that has been really challenging is the constant worry. I'm a very anxious person by nature and having a sense of control can help keep my anxiety in check. Well, as all moms know, as our kids get older we slowly lose control over what we're able to protect them from. Not only that, but the kinds of things to worry about shift as they age. I know the things I'll worry about when they're older will be a lot different than what I worry about now (driving a car vs choking on a toy). Ultimately, I know worrying comes with the motherhood territory, but it's definitely one of my least favorite aspects.

What is the best advice about motherhood you've received?

A fellow Momma told me before I had my first that there's going to be so much information out there about motherhood-so much to read and so many opinions. But at the end of the day, I will know what's best for my child.

How do you practice self-care?

Pre-pandemic I would have said getting monthly massages-which are still wonderful and I'm very much looking forward to starting those again. But I'd also add that I've really tried to focus on my health as I'm approaching 35 soon and I'm definitely making a concerted effort to live a healthier lifestyle. I've never been a huge fan of running, but thought I would try ease back into it. Now I've become that mom who runs a couple of miles pushing her double stroller and I really look forward to the days where I play Disney songs for the kids and I to listen to and take a run around the neighborhood.

I also practice self-care by using the time after the kids go to bed to focus on myself and just decompress from the day. Whether that's binge watching a TV show, working on my blog, etc. I carve out that time to do what I want.

What do you consider a must-have baby registry product?

I think a really good swaddle can be a game-changer, especially during those first several weeks when baby is transitioning to the world outside the womb. We used these Swaddle Me brand swaddles and they were great. The velcro really held up well and kept our little bubbies nice and secure.

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What is your favorite quote about motherhood?

"To be in your children's memories tomorrow, you have to be in their lives today."-Barbara Johnson

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